Universitatea Tehnica "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi
Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Protectia Mediului
Catedra de Inginerie Chimica

Str. Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron, nr. 73, 700050, Iaşi, România


Profesor dr. ing. GABRIELA CARJA

Data si locul nasterii

28 Noiembrie 1963; Negresti
Adresa: RO 700554 Iasi, Str. Ionescu Lt. No.11
Telefon: (40) 232 278680/2262.
e-mail: carja@uaic.ro, gcarja@ch.tuiasi.ro

Licentiata in inginerie chimica: 1987 - Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi ” Iasi, Romania
Doctor in inginerie chimica: 1996 – Universitatea Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi ” Iasi.

Studii postdoctorale
1 .10.1999 - 30.09.2000 –postdoctoral UNESCO fellow, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japonia (in domeniul: chimia materialelor avansate, adviser Prof. Hiroo Niiyama).
1.10.2003 -1.06.2004– ENSCM, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier, Lab. Mat. Catalytiques et Catalyse, Montpellier, France, EGIDE grant (domeniul: materiale noi cu aplicatii catalitice in reducerea poluarii cu oxizi de azot).

Limbi straine cunoscute
Engleza, Franceza.

Functii profesionale
Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Protectia Mediului, Universitatea Tehnica "Gheorghe Asachi" Iasi, Romania:
1991 – 1996: asistent,
1996 - 2001: lector universitar,
2003 - 2007: conferentiar,
2007 - in prezent - profesor.

Burse, granturi internationale, premii, onoruri
“The 35th International Course for the Advanced Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” UNESCO Diploma Award – grant obtinut prin competitie internationala 214 candidati - 14 selectati.
Premiul I Gala Premiilor in Educatie 2009, - categoria cercetatorul anului.
Premiul “Gheorghe Spacu” al Academiei Romane acordat in anul 2009.
Membru in Juriul Concursului International pentru studenti “Young Talents in Natural Science”, Sofia 2008.
2000 - Medalia Tokyo Institute of Technology pentru recunoasterea activitatii de cercetare desfasurata la a universitatea japoneza.
2003-2004 – EGIDE grant of French Environmental Agency.
2005 – Centennial Memorial Award of Tokyo Institute of Technology for foreign researchers.

Visiting Professor:
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japonia, Iulie 2009.
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japonia, Septembrie 2007.

Interese stiintifice
- Materiale nanostructurate poroase (e.g.: argile, zeoliti, carbon), sinteza, textura cu aplicatii in medicina si cataliza.
- Ansamblelor nanostructurate: design, sinteza si caracterizare texturala.
- Nanostructuri netoxice folosite in procese de depoluare ale apei si aerului.

- Expert-Evaluator al Comunitatii Europene pentru proiecte FP6/FP7.
- Membru al Consiliului Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior – CNCSIS din anul 2008.
- Grant de cercetare acordat de Academia Romana, 2005-2006, “Noi nanostructuri mesoporoase de tip argile anionice substituite cu proprietati magnetice si aplicatii in biotehnologie”.
- Membru American Chemical Society (ACS).

- 120 de citari in reviste cotate ISI cu factori de impact,in perioada 2008-2010, conform bazei de date SCOPUS.

Paginile web ale proiectelor de cercetare:




Capitolul: Nanostructured assemblies of mesoporous matrices of layered double hydroxides – nanoparticles of iron oxides”.
Autori: Gabriela Carja, Yoshikazu Kameshima, Akira Nakajima, Kiiyoshi Okada
In cartea cu titlul: "Mesoporous Materials: Properties, Preparation and Applications" NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHER, New York, USA, ISBN-10 1607410516, editor Lynn T Burness.


1. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Kameshima Y, Ciobanu G, Okada, K
Oleate–LDH Hybrids by the Successive Use of the Clay Structural “Memory Effect

2. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Akira Nakajima, Cristian Dranca, Kiyoshi Okada
Nanoparticles of nickel oxide: growth and organization on zinc substituted anionic clay matrix by one – pot route at room – temperature
JOURNAL OF NANOPRTICLE RESEARCH (SPRINGER PRESS), in press, publicat online DOI 10.1007/s11051-010-9899-0 (Impact Factor=2.299).

3. Gabriela Carja, (autor de corespondenta) Kameshima, Y., Okada, K. C. Dranca
Nanosized silver–anionic clay matrix as nanostructured ensembles with antimicrobial activity

4. Gabriela Carja, (autor de corespondenta) Kameshima, Y., Okada, K.
Nanoparticles of iron and vanadium oxides supported on iron substituted LDHs: Synthesis, textural characterization and their catalytic behavior in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation

5. Gabriela Carja (si autor de corespondenta), Nakamura Aida R, Niiyama H.,
Textural properties of layered double hydroxides (LDHs): effect of magnesium substitution by copper and iron

6. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Nakamura R., Niiyama H.
Copper and iron substituted hydrotalcites as catalysts precursors for methylamines synthesis

7. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Nakamura R., Aida T., Niiyama H.
Mg/V/Al mixed oxides with mesoporous properties using layered double hydroxides as precursors; catalytic behavior for the process of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation to styrene under a CO2 flow

8. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Delahay G.
Mesoporous mixed oxides derived from pillared oxovanadates layered double hydroxides(LDH) as new catalysts for the process of the SCR of NOx by ammonia

9. Gabriela Carja, Delahay G., Signorile C, Coq B,
Fe–Ce-ZSM-5 a new catalyst of outstanding properties in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3.

10. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Niiyama H.
From the organized nanoparticles of copper and vanadium containing LDHs to the small nanoparticles of mixtures of mixed oxides: a simple route

11. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Nakamura R., Niiyama H.
Tailoring the porous properties of iron containing mixed oxides for As (V) removal from aqueous solutions

12. Ciobanu G., Gabriela Carja, Apostolescu G., Taraboanta I.
Structural, electrical and optical properties of thin LDH-ZnO films prepared by chemical precipitation

13. Gabriela Carja, Horia Chiriac, Nicoleta Lupu
Towards new drugs formulations: gentamicin–anionic clay as nanohybrids
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS (Elsevier Science Press), 311 (2007) 26–30. (ISI IMPACT FACTOR 1.283).

14. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Obata H., Kameshima Y., Okada K.
The textural properties of iron substituted hydrotalcites obtained in a tailored aqueous - organic synthesis medium

15. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Kameshima Y., Madhosoodana C.
Mn - Ce / ZSM5 as a new superior catalyst for NO reduction with NH3

16. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), Niiyama H., Ciobanu G., Aida T.
Towards new drugs formulations: Gentamicin–anionic clay as nanohybrids

17. Ciobanu G., Gabriela Carja, Ciobanu O.
Preparation and characterization of polymer–zeolite nanocomposite membranes

18. Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Carja, O. Ciobanu
Structural characterization of hydroxyapatite layer coatings on titanium supports
Surface and Coatings Technology (ELSEVIER PRESS), 202, 2008, 2467-2470. (ISI IMPACT FACTOR 1.559).

19. Gabriela Carja (autor de corespondenta), S. Ratoi, Gabriela Ciobanu, I. Balasanian
Uptake of As(V) from aqueous solution by anionic clays type FeLDHs

20. G. Ciobanu, Gabriela Carja, O. Ciobanu;
Use of SAPO-5 zeolite–filled polyurethane membranes in wastewater treatment
DESALINATION (ELSEVIER PRESS), 222, 2008, p. 197–201; ISSN: 0011-9164
(ISI: 0.917)

21. Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Carja, O. Ciobanu;
Structure of mixed matrix membranes made with SAPO-5 zeolite in polyurethane matrix

22. Odochian, L., Mocanu, A.M., Moldoveanu, C., Gabriela, Carja, Oniscu, C.
Thermal degradation studies on some metal hydrazinic complexes

23. Gabriela Carja, Kameshima, Y., Ciobanu, G., Chiriac, H., Okada, K.
New hybrid nanostructures based on oxacillin-hydrotalcite-like anionic clays and their textural properties
Micron (ELSEVIER PRESS), 40, 2009, 147-150. (ISI IMPACT FACTOR 1.4).

24. Ciobanu, G., Gabriela Carja, Ciobanu, O., Sandu, I., Sandu, A.
SEM and EDX studies of bioactive hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants
Micron (ELSEVIER PRESS), 40, 2009, 143-146. (ISI IMPACT FACTOR 1.4).

25. Carja Gabriela (autor de corespondenta), Dranca S, Lehutu, G.,
Stabilitatea cefatoximului din hidrotalcit de tipul matricei argilei anionie si eliberarea controlata a acestuia
Revista de Chimie 2010, 61 (1), 27-30.


Exemple ale unor citari, conform bazei de date SCOPUS (lista selectiva):

1. Nanoparticles of iron and vanadium oxides supported on iron substituted LDHs: Synthesis, textural characterization and their catalytic behavior in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation
Carja, G., Kameshima, Y., Okada, K., 2008, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 115 (3), pp. 541-547, citata in:

1. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with CO2 to produce styrene over Fe-containing ceramic composites
de Araujo, J.C.S., Sousa, C.B.A., Oliveira, A.C., Freire, F.N.A., Ayala, A.P., Oliveira, A.C., 2010, Applied Catalysis A: General 377 (1-2), pp. 55-63
2. Ethylbenzene to chemicals: Catalytic conversion of ethylbenzene into styrene over metal-containing MCM-41
De Morais Batista, A.H., de Sousa, F.F., Honorato, S.B., Ayala, A.P., Filho, J.M., de Sousa, F.W., Pinheiro, A.N., (...), Oliveira, A.C., 2010, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 315 (1), pp. 86-98.
3. Studies on the oxidation reaction of l-cysteine in a confined matrix of layered double hydroxides
Chen, Q., Shi, S., Liu, X., Jin, L., Wei, M., 2009, Chemical Engineering Journal 153 (1-3), pp. 175-182.
4. Production of middle distillate through hydrocracking of paraffin wax over NiMo/SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts: Effect of solvent in the preparation of SiO2-Al2O3 by a sol-gel method
Hwang, S., Lee, J., Seo, J.G., Park, D.R., Youn, M.H., Jung, J.C., Lee, S.-B., Song, I.K., 2009, Catalysis Letters 132 (3-4), pp. 410-416.
5. Studies of catalytic activity and coke deactivation of spinel oxides during ethylbenzene dehydrogenation
Freire, R.M., de Sousa, F.F., Pinheiro, A.L., Longhinotti, E., Filho, J.M., Oliveira, A.C., Freire, P.d.T.C., (...), Oliveira, A.C., 2009, Applied Catalysis A: General 359 (1-2), pp. 165-179.
6. Microwave efficient S-arylation of thiols with aryl iodides using supported metal nanoparticles
Gonzalez-Arellano, C., Luque, R., MacQuarrie, D.J., 2009, Chemical Communications (11), pp. 1410-1412.

2. LDH-maleic anhydride copolymers as new hybrid materials and their textural organisation
Carja, G., Chitanu, G.C., Kameshima, Y., Chiriac, H., Okada, K., 2008, Applied Clay Science 41 (3-4), pp. 107-112, citata in :

1. Short-chain grafting of tetrahydrofuran and 1,4-dioxane cycles on vinylchloride-maleic anhydride copolymer
Filimoshkin, A.G., Kuchevskaya, A.S., Berezina, E.M., Ogorodnikov, V.D., 2009, Express Polymer Letters 3 (1), pp. 13-18.

3. Uptake of As(V) from aqueous solution by anionic clays type FeLDHs
Carja, G., Ratoi, S., Ciobanu, G., Balasanian, I., 2008, Desalination 223 (1-3), pp. 243-248, citata in:

1. Influence of calcination on the adsorptive removal of phosphate by Zn-Al layered double hydroxides from excess sludge liquor
Cheng, X., Huang, X., Wang, X., Sun, D., 2010, Journal of Hazardous Materials 177 (1-3), pp. 516-523.
2. Iron-modified hydrotalcite-like materials as highly efficient phosphate sorbents
Triantafyllidis, K.S., Peleka, E.N., Komvokis, V.G., Mavros, P.P., 2010, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 342 (2), pp. 427-436.
3. Phosphate adsorption from sewage sludge filtrate using zinc-aluminum layered double hydroxides
Cheng, X., Huang, X., Wang, X., Zhao, B., Chen, A., Sun, D., 2009, Journal of Hazardous Materials 169 (1-3), pp. 958-964.
4. Synthesis and characterization of arsenate-intercalated layered double hydroxides (LDHs): Prospects for arsenic mineralization
Prasanna, S.V., Kamath, P.V., 2009, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 331 (2), pp. 439-445.

4. Towards new drugs formulations: Gentamicin-anionic clay as nanohybrids

Carja, G., Niiyama, H., Ciobanu, G., Aida, T., 2007, Materials Science and Engineering C 27 (5-8.), pp. 1129-1132, citata in:

1. Preparation and swelling properties of pH-sensitive sodium alginate/layered double hydroxides hybrid beads for controlled release of diclofenac sodium
Zhang, J.-P., Wang, Q., Xie, X.-L., Li, X., Wang, A.-Q., 2010, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part B Applied Biomaterials 92 (1), pp. 205-214.
2. Biopolymer-clay nanocomposites for controlled drug delivery
Viseras, C., Aguzzi, C., Cerezo, P., Bedmar, M.C., 2008, Materials Science and Technology 24 (9), pp. 1020-1026.

5. Mn-Ce/ZSM5 as a new superior catalyst for NO reduction with NH3
Carja, G., Kameshima, Y., Okada, K., Madhusoodana, C.D. , 2007, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 73 (1-2), pp. 60-64 , citata in:

1. Mechanism of propene poisoning on Fe-ZSM-5 for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia
Junhua, L.I., Ronghai, Z.H.U., Cheng, Y., Lambert, C.K., Yang, R.T., 2010 Environmental Science and Technology 44 (5), pp. 1799-1805.
2. Promotion of Ag/H-BEA by Mn for lean NO reduction with propane at low temperature
Hua, P., Qingfa, S., Jie, C., Qing, Y., Yiting, L., Yao, S., 2009, Environmental Science and Technology 43 (24), pp. 9348-9353.
3. Promotional effect of ce-doped V2O5-WO 3/TiO2 with low vanadium loadings for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3
Chen, L., Li, J., Ge, M., 2009, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (50), pp. 21177-21184.
4. Microwave catalytic desulfurization and denitrification simultaneously on Fe/Ca-5A zeolite catalyst
Wei, Z., Zeng, G., Xie, Z., 2009, Energy and Fuels 23 (6), pp. 2947-2951.
5. Effect of SO2 on V2O5/ACF catalysts for NO reduction with NH3 at low temperature
Hou, Y., Huang, Z., Guo, S., 2009, Catalysis Communications 10 (11), pp. 1538-1541.
6. Low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO on MnOx/TiO2 prepared by different methods
Jiang, B., Liu, Y., Wu, Z., 2009, Journal of Hazardous Materials 162 (2-3), pp. 1249-1254.
7. Effect of ceria doping on SO2 resistance of Mn/TiO2 for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 at low temperature
Wu, Z., Jin, R., Wang, H., Liu, Y., 2009, Catalysis Communications 10 (6), pp. 935-939.
8. Research progress on selective catalytic reduction de-NOx catalysts
Zhou, T., Liu, S., Tang, M., Chen, C., Xu, Y., Wu, J., 2009, Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao, Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 37 (2), pp. 317-324.
9. Hazardous waste treatment technologies
Khan, E., Li, M., Huang, C.P., 2008, Water Environment Research 80 (10), pp. 1654-1708.
10. Ceria modified MnOx/TiO2 as a superior catalyst for NO reduction with NH3 at low-temperature
Wu, Z., Jin, R., Liu, Y., Wang, H., 2008, Catalysis Communications 9 (13), pp. 2217-2220.
11. Effect of transition metals addition on the catalyst of manganese/titania for low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia
Wu, Z., Jiang, B., Liu, Y., 2008, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 79 (4), pp. 347-355.

6. New magnetic organic-inorganic composites based on hydrotalcite-like anionic clays for drug delivery
Carja, G., Chiriac, H., Lupu, N., 2007, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 311 (1 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 26-30, citata in:

1. Bioinorganic magnetic core-shell nanocomposites carrying antiarthritic agents: Intercalation of ibuprofen and glucuronic acid into Mg-Al-layered double hydroxides supported on magnesium ferrite
Ay, A.N., Zümreoglu-Karan, B., Temel, A., Rives, V., 2009, Inorganic Chemistry 48 (18), pp. 8871-8877.
2. Synthesis, sustained release properties of magnetically functionalized organic-inorganic materials: Amoxicillin anions intercalated magnetic layered double hydroxides via calcined precursors at room temperature
Wang, J., Liu, Q., Zhang, G., Li, Z., Yang, P., Jing, X., Zhang, M., (...), Jiang, Z., 2009, Solid State Sciences 11 (9), pp. 1597-1601.
3. Synthesis, characterization, and magnetically controlled release behavior of novel core-shell structural magnetic ibuprofen-intercalated ldh nanohybrids
Zhang, H., Pan, D., Duan, X., 2009, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (28), pp. 12140-12148.
4. A novel core-shell structured magnetic organic-inorganic nanohybrid involving drug-intercalated layered double hydroxides coated on a magnesium ferrite core for magnetically controlled drug release
Zhang, H., Pan, D., Zou, K., He, J., Duan, X., 2009, Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (19), pp. 3069-3077.
5. Synthesis and thermolysis of lithium aluminum double hydroxide containing [Fe(OH)Edta]2-
Isupov, V.P., Chupakhina, L.E., Mitrofanova, R.P., Pavlyukhin, Yu.T., 2009, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2), pp. 204-210.
6. Nanocomposites of 2-arylpropionic acid drugs based on Mg-Al layered double hydroxide for dissolution enhancement
Berber, M.R., Minagawa, K., Katoh, M., Mori, T., Tanaka, M., 2008, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 35 (4), pp. 354-360.
7. New magnetic Ni-Al hydrotalcite-like materials Synthesis and characterization
Wang, J., You, J., Yang, P., Zhong, C., Li, Z., Zhang, M., Jing, X., 2008, Materials Science- Poland 26 (3), pp. 591-599.
8. Preparation and characteraction of new magnetic Co-Al HTLc/Fe 3O4 solid base
Wang, J., You, J., Li, Z., Yang, P., Jing, X., Zhang, M., 2008, Nanoscale Research Letters 3 (9), pp. 338-342.

7. The textural properties of iron substituted hydrotalcites obtained in a tailored aqueous-organic synthesis medium
Carja, G., Obata, H., Kameshima, Y., Okada, K., 2007, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 98 (1-3), pp. 150-155, citata in:

1. Organic precursor synthesis of Al-Mg mixed oxides and hydrotalcites
Brei, V.V., Melezhyk, O.V., Starukh, G.M., Oranskaya, E.I., Mutovkin, P.A., 2008, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 113 (1-3), pp. 411-417.

8. From the organized nanoparticles of copper and vanadium containing LDHs to the small nanoparticles of mixtures of mixed oxides: A simple route
Carja, G., Niiyama, H., 2005, Materials Letters 59 (24-25), pp. 3078-3080, citata in:

1. Synthesis of unusual coral-like layered double hydroxide microspheres in a nonaqueous polar solvent/surfactant system
Gunawan, P., Xu, R., 2008, Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (18), pp. 2112- 2120.

9. Tailoring the porous properties of iron containing mixed oxides for As (V) removal from aqueous solutions
Carja, G., Nakamura, R., Niiyama, H., 2005, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 83 (1-3), pp. 94-100, citata in:

1. Nanosized spinel oxide catalysts for CO-oxidation prepared via CoMnMgAl quaternary hydrotalcite route
Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Angary, Y.O., 2010, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (1-2), pp. 376-384.
2. Uptake of arsenite by synthetic layered double hydroxides
Grover, K., Komarneni, S., Katsuki, H., 2009, Water Research 43 (15), pp. 3884-3890.
3. Exterior surface functionalization or zeolite pelletization to enlarge capturing of anionic solutes
Chmielewska, E., Peterlik H., 2009, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 13 (2), pp. 79-83.
4. Application of layered double hydroxides for removal of oxyanions: A review
Goh, K.-H., Lim, T.-T., Dong, Z., 2008, Water Research 42 (6-7), pp. 1343-1368.
5. A comparative study between chloride and calcined carbonate hydrotalcites as adsorbents for Cr(VI)
Carriazo, D., del Arco, M., Martín, C., Rives, V., 2007, Applied Clay Science 37 (3-4), pp. 231-239.

10. Fe-Ce-ZSM-5 a new catalyst of outstanding properties in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3
Carja, G., Delahay, G., Signorile, C., Coq, B., 2004, Chemical Communications 10 (12), pp. 1404-1405, citata in:

1. Effect of manganese substitution on the structure and activity of iron titanate catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3
Liu, F., He, H., Ding, Y., Zhang, C., 2009, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 93 (1-2), pp. 194-204.
2. Synthesis of heat-resistant WO3-CeO2-ZrO2 catalyst and its performance for NH3-SCR of NO in diesel exhaust
Li, Y., Cheng, H., Li, D.-Y., Qin, Y.-S., Wang, S.-D., 2008, Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 36 (6), pp. 762-766.
3. Effect of extra-framework gallium on the structure of iron species in Fe/ZSM-5
Xia, H., Sun, K., Fan, F., Sun, K., Su, W., Feng, Z., Ying, P., Li, C., 2008, Journal of Catalysis 259 (2), pp. 269-275.
4. Novel iron titanate catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 in the medium temperature range
Liu, F., He, H., Zhang, C., 2008, Chemical Communications (17), pp. 2043-2045.
5. WO3/CeO2-ZrO2, a promising catalyst for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx with NH3 in diesel exhaust
Li, Y., Cheng, H., Li, D., Qin, Y., Xie, Y., Wang, S., 2008, Chemical Communications (12), pp. 1470-1472.
6. Preparation and pretreatment temperature influence on iron species distribution and N2O decomposition in Fe-ZSM-5
Krishna, K., Makkee, M., 2006, Catalysis Letters 106 (3-4), pp. 183-193.
7. Recent advances in catalytic DeNOX Science and Technology
Liu, Z., Ihl Woo, S., 2006, Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering 48 (1), pp. 43-89.
8. Selective reduction of NO with Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts of low Fe content: I. Relations between active site structure and catalytic performance
Schwidder, M., Kumar, M.S., Klementiev, K., Pohl, M.M., Brückner, A., Grünert, W., 2005, Journal of Catalysis 231 (2), pp. 314-330.

11. Mesoporous mixed oxides derived from pillared oxovanadates layered double hydroxides as new catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3
Carja, G., Delahay, G., 2004, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (1), pp. 59-66, citata in:

1. Facile sodium alginate assisted assembly of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide nanostructures
Wang, H., Fan, G., Zheng, C., Xiang, X., Li, F., 2010, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (6), pp. 2759-2767.
2. The conversion of an organometallic compound into an intercalated thin-layer amorphous structure
Othmana, M.R., Fernandoa, W.J.N., Kimb, J., 2009, Applied Organometallic Chemistry 23 (10), pp. 403-408.
3. The influence of the preparation method on the structural, acidic and redox properties of V2O5-TiO2/SO4 2- catalysts
Zhao, H., Bennici, S., Shen, J., Auroux, A., 2009, Applied Catalysis A: General 356 (2), pp. 121-128.
4. Simplified synthesis of layered double hydroxide using a natural source of magnesium
Hosni, K., Srasra, E., 2009, Applied Clay Science 43 (3-4), pp. 415-419.
5. Co-based catalysts from Co/Fe/Al layered double hydroxides for preparation of carbon nanotubes
Xiang, X., Zhang, L., Hima, H.I., Li, F., Evans, D.G., 2009, Applied Clay Science 42 (3-4), pp. 405-409.
6. Structural and textural evolution during folding of layers of layered double hydroxides
De Martínez-Ortiz, M.J., Lima, E., Lara, V., Vivar, J.M., 2008, Langmuir 24 (16), pp. 8904-8911.
7. A stepwise control route for the preparation of Mg-Al, Zn-Al, and Mg-Fe layered double hydroxides (LDHs)
Liu, Z.-H., Gu, X.-H., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Yin, C., Shen, X.-Y., 2008, Key Engineering Materials 368-372 PART 2, pp. 1820-1822.
8. Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of nickel-based mixed-metal oxides with mesopore networks from a novel hybrid composite precursor
Xiang, X., Hima, H.I., Wang, H., Li, F., 2008, Chemistry of Materials 20 (3), pp. 1173-1182.
9. Catalytic oxidative demercaptanization on Mg-Al hydrotalcites containing cobalt complex anions
Angelescu, E., Zǎvoianu, R., Pavel, O.D., Bîrjega, R., Angelescu, A., 2007, Revista de Chimie 58 (11), pp. 1104-1111.
10. Synthesis of micro-mesoporous TiO2 materials assembled via cationic surfactants: Morphology, thermal stability and surface acidity characteristics
Mohamed, M.M., Bayoumy, W.A., Khairy, M., Mousa, M.A., 2007, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 103 (1-3), pp. 174-183.
11. Evidences of segregated SnO2 type nanoparticles coating layered double hydroxide at moderate temperature
Intissar, M., Malherbe, F., Prévot, V., Leroux, F., 2006, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 299 (2), pp. 747-753.
12. Recent advances in catalytic DeNOX Science and Technology
Liu, Z., Ihl Woo, S., 2006, Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering 48 (1), pp. 43-89.
13. Rare-earth elements modified hydrotalcites and corresponding mesoporous mixed oxides as basic solid catalysts
Bîrjega, R., Pavel, O.D., Costentin, G., Che, M., Angelescu, E., 2005, Applied Catalysis A: General 288 (1-2), pp. 185-193.
14. Hydrotalcites (HTs) and mesoporous mixed oxides obtained from HTs, basic solid catalysts for cyclohexanone condensation
Angelescu, E., Bîrjega, R., Pavel, O.D., Che, M., Costentin, G., Popoiu, S., 2005, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 156, pp. 257-264.

12. Mg-V-Al mixed oxides with mesoporous properties using layered double hydroxides as precursors: Catalytic behavior for the process of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation to styrene under a carbon dioxide flow
Carja, G., Nakamura, R., Aida, T., Niiyama, H., 2003, Journal of Catalysis 218 (1), pp. 104-110, citata in:

1. Ethylbenzene to chemicals: Catalytic conversion of ethylbenzene into styrene over metal-containing MCM-41
De Morais Batista, A.H., De Sousa, F.F., Honorato, S.B., Ayala, A.P., Filho, J.M., de Sousa, F.W., Pinheiro, A.N., (...), Oliveira, A.C., 2010, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 315 (1), pp. 86-98.
2. Fabrication of mesoporous mixed oxides containing copper and cerium by using substituted anionic clays as precursors
Carja, G., Dranca, S., Ciobanu, G., Husanu, E., Balasanian, I., 2009, Materials Science- Poland 27 (3), pp. 909-917.
3. Behaviors of v-doped titanium mixed oxides in the catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene
Li, W., Li, X., Feng, J., 2009, Catalysis Letters 130 (3-4), pp. 575-582.
4. Utilization of carbon dioxide as soft oxidant for oxydehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene over V2O5-CeO2/TiO2-ZrO2 catalyst
Reddy, B.M., Lee, S.-C., Han, D.-S., Park, S.-E., 2009, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 87 (3-4), pp. 230-238.
5. Effects of Li promoter on the catalytic performance of Fe-Li/AC for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation in the presence of CO2
Chen, S., Qin, Z., Sun, A., Wang, J., 2009, Cuihua Xuebao / Chinese Journal of Catalysis 30 (4), pp. 359-364.
6. Vanadium oxide supported on mesoporous MCM-41 as new catalysts for dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with CO2
Qiao, Y., Miao, C., Yue, Y., Xie, Z., Yang, W., Hua, W., Gao, Z., 2009, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 119 (1-3), pp. 150-157.
7. Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene with carbon dioxide over Fe2O3/TiO2-ZrO2 catalyst: Influence of chloride
Reddy, B.M., Jin, H., Han, D.-S., Park, S.-E., 2008, Catalysis Letters 124 (3-4), pp. 357-363.
8. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene with carbon dioxide over ZrO2-based composite oxide catalysts
Reddy, B.M., Han, D.-S., Jiang, N., Park, S.-E., 2008, Catalysis Surveys from Asia 12 (1), pp. 56-69.
9. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with carbon dioxide over MgO-modified Al2O3-supported V-Sb oxide catalysts
Hong, D.-Y., Vislovskiy, V.P., Hwang, Y.K., Jhung, S.H., Chang, J.-S., 2008, Catalysis Today 131 (1-4), pp. 140-145.
10. An overview on the dehydrogenation of alkylbenzenes with carbon dioxide over supported vanadium-antimony oxide catalysts
Chang, J.-S., Hong, D.-Y., Vislovskiy, V.P., Park, S.-E., 2007, Catalysis Surveys from Asia 11 (1-2), pp. 59-69.
11. Preparation of supported metal catalysts starting from hydrotalcites as the precursors and their improvements by adopting "memory effect"
Takehira, K., Shishido, T., 2007, Catalysis Surveys from Asia 11 (1-2), pp. 1-30.
12. Nanostructured V-containing hydrotalcite-like materials obtained by non-stoichiometric anion exchange as precursors of catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butane
Wegrzyn, A., Rafalska-Łasocha, A., Dudek, B., Dziembaj, R., 2006, Catalysis Today 116 (1), pp. 74-81.
13. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with carbon dioxide over supported vanadium-antimony oxide catalysts: Effect of zirconia modification in alumina support
Hong, D.-Y., Vislovskiy, V.P., Park, Y.-H., Chang, J.-S., 2006, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 27 (5), pp. 789-792.
14. Structure and properties of the alumina-supported vanadia catalysts for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation in the presence of carbon dioxide
Chen, S., Qin, Z., Xu, X., Wang, J., 2006, Applied Catalysis A: General 302 (2), pp. 185-192.
15. Theoretical and experimental study on reaction coupling: Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene in the presence of carbon dioxide
Chen, S., Qin, Z., Sun, A., Wang, J., 2006, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15 (1), pp. 11-20.
16. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with carbon dioxide as oxidant over Mg-modified alumina-supported V-Sb oxide catalysts
Hong, D.-Y., Chang, J.-S., Vislovskiy, V.P., Park, S.-E., Park, Y.-H., Yoo, J.S., 2006, Chemistry Letters 35 (1), pp. 28-29.
17. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with carbon dioxide as soft oxidant over supported vanadium-antimony oxide catalyst
Hong, D.-Y., Vislovskiy, V.P., Park, S.-E., Park, M.-S., Yoo, J.S., Chang, J.-S., 2005, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 26 (11), pp. 1743-1748.
18. Characterization of Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg mixed oxides and their catalytic activity in dehydrogenation of 2-octanol
Crivello, M., Pérez, C., Herrero, E., Ghione, G., Casuscelli, S., Rodríguez-Castellón, E., 2005, Catalysis Today 107-108, pp. 215-222.
19. Mg-Fe-Al mixed oxides with mesoporous properties prepared from hydrotalcite as precursors: Catalytic behavior in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation
Ohishi, Y., Kawabata, T., Shishido, T., Takaki, K., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Nomura, K., Takehira, K., 2005, Applied Catalysis A: General 288 (1-2), pp. 220-231.
20. Rare-earth elements modified hydrotalcites and corresponding mesoporous mixed oxides as basic solid catalysts
Bîrjega, R., Pavel, O.D., Costentin, G., Che, M., Angelescu, E., 2005, Applied Catalysis A: General 288 (1-2), pp. 185-193.
21. Hydrotalcites (HTs) and mesoporous mixed oxides obtained from HTs, basic solid catalysts for cyclohexanone condensation
Angelescu, E., Bîrjega, R., Pavel, O.D., Che, M., Costentin, G., Popoiu, S., 2005, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 156, pp. 257-264.
22. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with CO2 over Cr-MCM-41 catalyst
Ohishi, Y., Kawabata, T., Shishido, T., Takaki, K., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Takehira, K., 2005, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 230 (1-2), pp. 49-58.
23. Effect of the preparation method on the physicochemical properties of mixed magnesium-vanadium oxides
Holgado, M.J., Román, S.S., Malet, P., Rives, V., 2005, Materials Chemistry and Physics 89 (1), pp. 49-55.
24. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene in the presence of CO2 over catalysts prepared from hydrotalcite-like precursors
Ye, X., Ma, N., Hua, W., Yue, Y., Miao, C., Xie, Z., Gao, Z., 2004, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 217 (1-2), pp. 103-108.

13. Copper and iron substituted hydrotalcites: Properties and catalyst precursors for methylamines synthesis
Carja, G., Nakamura, R., Niiyama, H., 2002, Applied Catalysis A: General 236 (1-2), pp. 91-102, citata in:

1. CuII-hydrotalcite as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for huisgen [3+2] cycloaddition
Namitharan, K., Kumarraja, M., Pitchumani, K., 2009, Chemistry - A European Journal 15 (12), pp. 2755-2758.
2. Evaluation of crystalline structure and SO2 removal capacity of a series of MgAlFeCu mixed oxides as sulfur transfer catalysts
Cheng, W.P., Yang, J.G., He, M.Y., 2009, Catalysis Communications 10 (6), pp. 784-787.
3. Preparation and characterization of CuMgAl hydrotalcite-like compounds
Shen, Y., Wu, J., Tang, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Liu, C., Zhang, Z., 2009, Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/ Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 37 (2), pp. 285-290.
4. Aluminium substitution in iron(II-III)-layered double hydroxides: Formation and cationic order
Ruby, C., Abdelmoula, M., Aissa, R., Medjahdi, G., Brunelli, M., François, M. , 2008, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181 (9), pp. 2285-2291.
5. Synthesis and characterization of Cu-Co-Fe hydrotalcites and their calcined products
Carpentier, J., Siffert, S., Lamonier, J.F., Laversin, H., Aboukaïs, A., 2007, Journal of Porous Materials 14 (1), pp. 103-110.
6. Copper-based catalysts for synthesis of methylamines: The effect of the metal and the role of the support
Ribeiro, N.F.P., Henriques, C.A., Schmal, M., 2005, Catalysis Letters 104 (3-4), pp. 111-119.
7. Tailoring the porous properties of iron containing mixed oxides for As (V) removal from aqueous solutions
Carja, G., Nakamura, R., Niiyama, H., 2005, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 83 (1-3), pp. 94-100.
8. Intercalation compounds of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides with dichlophenac: Different methods of preparation and physico-chemical characterization
Dupin, J.-C., Martinez, H., Guimon, C., Dumitriu, E., Fechete, I., 2004, Applied Clay Science 27 (1-2), pp. 95-106.

14. Textural properties of layered double hydroxides: Effect of magnesium substitution by copper or iron
Carja, G., Nakamura, R., Aida, T., Niiyama, H., 2001, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 47 (2-3), pp. 275-284, citata in:

1. Nanosized spinel oxide catalysts for CO-oxidation prepared via CoMnMgAl quaternary hydrotalcite route
Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Angary, Y.O., 2010, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (1-2), pp. 376-384.
2. Iron-modified hydrotalcite-like materials as highly efficient phosphate sorbents
Triantafyllidis, K.S., Peleka, E.N., Komvokis, V.G., Mavros, P.P., 2010, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 342 (2), pp. 427-436.
3. Method for large-scale production of multimetallic layered double hydroxides: Formation mechanism discernment
Valente, J.S., Sánchez-Cantú, M., Lima, E., Figueras, F., 2009, Chemistry of Materials 21 (24), pp. 5809-5818.
4. Technologies for production of biodiesel focusing on green catalytic techniques: A review
Helwani, Z., Othman, M.R., Aziz, N., Fernando, W.J.N., Kim, J., 2009, Fuel Processing Technology 90 (12), pp. 1502-1514.
5. Characteristics of hydrotalcite synthesized from a solvothermal method
Hafiz, M.K., Othman, M.R., Aziz, N., 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1136, pp. 454-458.
6. Anion exchange property of As(III), As(V), Se(IV), CrR(VI) and B(III) with hydrotalcite-like compounds
Shibata, J., Murayama, N., Matsumoto, S., 2009, Ceramic Transactions 207, pp. 283-290.
7. Synthetic hydrotalcites from different routes and their application as catalysts and gas adsorbents: A review
Othman, M.R., Helwani, Z., Martunus, Fernando, W.J.N., 2009, Applied Organometallic Chemistry 23 (9), pp. 235-246.
8. Structural transformation of Cu-Mg-Al mixed oxide catalysts derived from hydrotalcites during shift reaction
Ferreira, K.A., Ribeiro, N.F.P., Souza, M.M.V.M., Schmal, M., 2009, Catalysis Letters 132 (1-2), pp. 58-63.
9. Solid heterogeneous catalysts for transesterification of triglycerides with methanol: A review
Helwani, Z., Othman, M.R., Aziz, N., Kim, J., Fernando, W.J.N., 2009, Applied Catalysis A: General 363 (1-2), pp. 1-10.
10. Simplified synthesis of layered double hydroxide using a natural source of magnesium
Hosni, K., Srasra, E., 2009, Applied Clay Science 43 (3-4), pp. 415-419.
11. Preparation of a new nano-layered materials and organic-inorganic nano-hybrid materials
Zn-Si LDH, Saber, O., Tagaya, H., 2009, Journal of Porous Materials 16 (1), pp. 81-89.
12. Preparation and characterization of CuMgAl hydrotalcite-like compounds
Shen, Y., Wu, J., Tang, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Liu, C., Zhang, Z., 2009, Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/ Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 37 (2), pp. 285-290.
13. Structure and morphology of Mg-Al-Fe-mixed oxides derived from layered double hydroxides
Vulić, T., Hadnadjev, M., Marinković-Nedučin, R., 2008, Journal of Microscopy 232 (3), pp. 634-638.
14. Infrared and Raman spectroscopic study of Sn-containing Zn/Al-layered double hydroxides
Seftel, E.M., Popovici, E., Mertens, M., Cool, P., Vansant, E.F., 2008, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (12), pp. 3477-3481.
15. Structural and textural evolution during folding of layers of layered double hydroxides
De Martínez-Ortiz, M.J., Lima, E., Lara, V., Vivar, J.M., 2008, Langmuir 24 (16), pp. 8904-8911.
16. Structural and energetic analysis of MgxM1-x(OH) 2 (M = Zn, Cu or Ca) brucite-like compounds by DFT calculations
Costa, D.G., Rocha, A.B., Souza, W.F., Chiaro, S.S.X., Leitão, A.A., 2008, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (29), pp. 10681-10687.
17. Intercalation of metal-edta complexes in Ni-Zn layered hydroxysalts and study of their thermal stability
Rojas, R., Ángeles Ulibarri, M., Barriga, C., Rives, V., 2008, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 112 (1-3), pp. 262-272.
18. The influence of the cationic ratio on the incorporation of Ti4+ in the brucite-like sheets of layered double hydroxides
Seftel, E.M., Popovici, E., Mertens, M., Van Tendeloo, G., Cool, P., Vansant, E.F., 2008, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 111 (1-3), pp. 12-17.
19. Preparation and intercalation reactions of nano-structural materials, Zn-Al-Ti LDH
Saber, O., Tagaya, H., 2008, Materials Chemistry and Physics 108 (2-3), pp. 449-455.
20. Epoxidation of cyclohexene over basic mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcite materials: Activating agent, solvent and catalyst reutilization
Romero, M.D., Calles, J.A., Ocaña, M.A., Gómez, J.M., 2008, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 111 (1-3), pp. 243-253.
21. Preparation and characterization of a new nano layered material, Co-Zr LDH
Saber, O., 2007, Journal of Materials Science 42 (23), pp. 9905-9912.
22. Synthesis and characterization of Cu-Co-Fe hydrotalcites and their calcined products
Carpentier, J., Siffert, S., Lamonier, J.F., Laversin, H., Aboukaïs, A., 2007, Journal of Porous Materials 14 (1), pp. 103-110.
23. Engineering aspect on the removal of As(V), As(III), Cr(VI), B(III) and Se(IV) with functional inorganic ion exchanger
Shibata, J., Murayama, N., 2006, 2006 TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Division: Sohn International Symposium 5, pp. 339-346.
24. Influence of microwave radiation on the textural properties of layered double hydroxides
Benito, P., Labajos, F.M., Rocha, J., Rives, V., 2006, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 94 (1-3), pp. 148-158.
25. Effects of thermal treatment on the micro-structures of co-precipitated and sol-gel synthesized (Mg-Al) hydrotalcites
Othman, M.R., Rasid, N.M., Fernando, W.J.N., 2006, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 93 (1-3), pp. 23-28.
26. Evidences of segregated SnO2 type nanoparticles coating layered double hydroxide at moderate temperature
Intissar, M., Malherbe, F., Prévot, V., Leroux, F., 2006, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 299 (2), pp. 747-753.
27. Novel route for layered double hydroxides preparation by enzymatic decomposition of urea
Vial, S., Prevot, V., Forano, C., 2006, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (5-6), pp. 1048-1053.
28. Preparation and characterization of a new layered double hydroxide, Co-Zr-Si
Saber, O., 2006, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 297 (1), pp. 182-189.
29. From the organized nanoparticles of copper and vanadium containing LDHs to the small nanoparticles of mixtures of mixed oxides: A simple route
Carja, G., Niiyama, H., 2005, Materials Letters 59 (24-25), pp. 3078-3080.
30. Preparation of new layered double hydroxide, Co-V LDH
Saber, O., Tagaya, H., 2005, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 10 (1), pp. 59-63.
31. Removal of toxic heavy metal ions in aqueous solution with Mg/Al type hydrotalcite derived from wastes
Murayama, N., Tanabe, M., Shibata, R., Yamamoto, H., Shibata, J., 2005, Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu 31 (4), pp. 285-290.
32. Synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposite material: Alizarin-3-sulfonate in the lamella of zinc-aluminium-layered double hydroxide
Hussein, M.Z.B., Long, C.W., Zainal, Z., Yahaya, A.H., 2005, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5650, art. no. 100, pp. 548-556.
33. Synthesis of hydrotalcite from wastes discharged in aluminum regeneration process and its physical properties
Shibata, J., Murayama, N., Tanabe, M., Yamamoto, H., 2005, Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu 31 (1), pp. 74-79.

15. SEM and EDX studies of bioactive hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants
Ciobanu, G., Carja, G., Ciobanu, O., Sandu, I., Sandu, A., 2009, Micron 40 (1), pp. 143-146 , citata in:

1. Electrophoretic deposition of biocomposite lignin/hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium
Erakovic, S., Veljovic, D., Diouf, P.N., Stevanovic, T., Mitric, M., Milonjic, S., Miskovic-
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2. Preparation of K2Ti6O13/TiO2 bio-ceramic on titanium substrate by micro-arc oxidation
Zhao, Z., Chen, X., Chen, A., Huo, G., Li, H., 2009, Journal of Materials Science 44 (23), pp. 6310-6316.


Last update: April 18, 2010